A sign with words: Dream Big, Set Goals, and Take Action

Take 3: Pursuing Your Dreams in Life’s Third Chapter – Inspiring Insights for Black Women Over 50

A flood of memories washed over me as I sat glued to the TV, watching the 2024 Summer Olympic Track and Field events. The sight of young women running and jumping reminded me of my dream to be like my favorite Olympic athlete, Wilma Rudolph. Wilma became the first American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at a single Olympics. As a teenager, I dreamed of following in her footsteps, becoming a global track and field superstar, and representing my country in the Olympics.

Two young women running track

The Olympics sparked a conversation with my husband about my high school track days in the 1980s. Our team was a force to be reckoned with—we were the state of Alabama girl’s track team champion two years in a row, which was no easy task in a place with so many gifted young women in the sport. I couldn’t help but wonder: What if we had the proper coaching, conditioning, and resources? What if girls’ sports had received the recognition and support they deserved back then? Who knows how far either of us could have gone?

I competed in the open 400 meters and the high jump. I was good at the 400 but excelled at the high jump. I was the only girl on our track team who did the high jump. Other girls were too scared to try it because they feared jumping backward over a bar and landing on their backs, but I wasn’t. I loved high jumping so much that I stopped competing in the 400 and focused only on the high jump. Such great memories! 😊

As I dug deeper into these memories, I realized something important. Yes, the girl’s track team lacked resources and support, but I played a role in not pursuing my track and field dreams beyond high school. I allowed self-doubt, fear, and the ups and downs of life to hold me back from pursuing my Olympic dreams or even competing at the college level.

These memories made me think about other black women over 50 who might have similar stories. Many of us have dreams we set aside for different reasons. In this article, “Take 3: Pursuing Your Dreams in Life’s Third Chapter – Inspiring Insights for Black Women Over 50,” I want to inspire other black women over 50 to embrace this stage of life. It’s time for “Take 3,” our third act, where we can rewrite our stories and go after our dreams.

Below are a few suggested tips to help you take action toward making your dreams come true:

Take Action
  • Find Your Community: Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you. Look for groups or organizations that share your interests or goals. Whether it’s a local club, online community, or a group of friends, having a support system can encourage you to keep going and help you stay motivated.
  • Set Small Goals: Start by breaking your big dreams into smaller, achievable goals; this makes it easier to take action and see progress. For example, if you want to start a business, your first goal could be to write a business plan or research your market. Celebrate each small victory to keep your spirits high.
  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: Never stop learning! Take classes, attend workshops, or read books about your interests. Learning new skills can boost your confidence and open up new opportunities. Many community colleges and online platforms offer affordable courses that fit your schedule.
  • Practice Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is essential for pursuing your dreams. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. You’ll likely have the energy and motivation to chase your goals when you feel good.
  • Believe in Yourself: Trust that you have the strength and wisdom to pursue your dreams. Challenge any negative thoughts that hold you back. Write down positive affirmations or quotes that inspire you and keep them visible.
  • Write It Down: Putting your dreams and goals on paper can make them feel more natural and achievable. Create a vision board or journal to write your aspirations, plans, and daily affirmations. This practice helps clarify your wants and keeps you focused on your journey. Revisit your notes regularly to remind yourself of your goals and track your progress.
  • Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor with experience in the area you want to pursue. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their experiences. They can help you navigate challenges and celebrate your successes. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you admire and ask for their advice.
  • Take Action Daily: Make it a habit to take at least one small action each day toward your dream. This could be researching a topic, reaching out to someone in your network, or dedicating time to practice a new skill. Consistent, small steps can lead to significant progress over time, making your dreams feel more attainable.
  • Stay Open to New Opportunities: Be open to unexpected paths and opportunities. Sometimes, the journey to your dreams may take twists and turns you didn’t anticipate. Embrace change and remain flexible; you might discover new passions or avenues that excite you even more.
  • Celebrate Your Journey: Remember to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small! Acknowledge your hard work and progress along the way. Treat yourself to something special, or share your successes with friends and family. Celebrating your journey boosts your confidence and motivates you to pursue your dreams.
  • Do It Afraid: Fear is natural, especially when stepping into the unknown or trying something new. It’s completely normal to feel a little anxious about pursuing your dreams. But instead of letting fear hold you back, use it as motivation to push forward! It’s ok to be scared; don’t allow the fear to derail you from taking action. Let’s take this journey together.
  • Keep Some Dreams to Yourself: While sharing your dreams with everyone can be tempting, sometimes it is best to keep them close to your heart. Not everyone will understand or support your vision, and that’s ok. Keeping some of your goals private protects your dreams from negativity and doubt.

Although my dream of becoming an Olympic track star didn’t come to fruition, many other dreams have. It has been a challenging journey, and I’ve had to work hard to turn my dreams into reality by following the tips I shared earlier, along with prayer and faith. I’ve learned that it’s okay for dreams to evolve. What truly matters is that I keep trying and never give up.

Image with text, "Dream"

In this chapter of our lives, it’s important to remember that it’s always possible to follow our dreams. The possibilities are endless, whether launching that business you’ve always envisioned, returning to school to expand your knowledge, or exploring the world and its wonders. What dreams lie dormant within you, waiting for the right time to flourish?

As we pursue our dreams, let us remember the words of Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist: “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.” This quote beautifully reminds us that when we follow our passions, the universe supports us in ways we may not even realize.

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If you find value in this content, please leave a comment below. We love to hear from you. Also, if you know other black women over 50 looking for affordable, alternative ways to enhance their wellness routines, don’t hesitate to share this article with them. Let’s help each other stay vibrant and healthy together.

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#dreamchasers, #blackwomenover50, #inspiration, #lifeafter50, #pursueyourdreams, #dream, #motivation, #thrivingafter50, #blackwomenhappy

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