Mature black women eating plant-based meal

Black women over 50 suffer more often from various chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, breast cancer, and obesity compared to their white and Hispanic counterparts. According to the American Heart Association, nearly 58% of Black women have high blood pressure, compared to 41% of white and Hispanic women. Other research results indicate that 1 in 4 black women over 55 have Type 2 Diabetes, nearly twice the rate of white women over 55. Many factors contribute to these health issues in this demographic: poor quality or no medical insurance, stress, and poor nutrition, to name a few.

My Health/Wellness Challenges

As a black American woman in my 50s, I’ve faced a couple of health challenges. I can honestly admit these challenges resulted from poor stress management and putting my self-care and personal care secondary to the needs of others, my career, and whatever else life brought my way.

After I transitioned to a plant-based holistic health lifestyle and prioritized my health & wellness, I immediately started seeing improvement in my health, reversing my health issues and possibly preventing others from starting.

Below are two pictures of me. The picture on the left shows me when my wellness worsened. I had gained over 30 lbs., my stress level was at an all-time high, and my self-care was almost nonexistent. The picture of me on the right is today, after transitioning to a plant-based holistic lifestyle, making my self-care top priority in my life, and setting boundaries.

8 Healthy Holistic Habits for Black Women Over 50

In this blog, I’ll share 8 healthy holistic habits I adopted (and others), that are highly recommended by health and medical professionals. These healthy habits have made a life-changing difference in my life. I hope that by sharing these holistic healthy habits, they will inspire and motivate other black women over 50 to take action and take charge of their health.

What is a Holistic Healthy Lifestyle

Before introducing the 8 healthy holistic habits, I would like to briefly explain what Holistic Health is and why it’s increasingly crucial for black women over 50 to consider a broader comprehensive approach to wellness as we enter our golden years.

What exactly is holistic health? Holistic health focuses on all parts of well-being, including our physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. Simply put, a “Holistic Healthy Lifestyle” is not just about diet & nutrition, body weight, and fitness; it means caring for all parts of yourself, body, soul, spirituality, social, and emotional.

Listed below is a suggested list of holistic healthy habits black women over 50 can incorporate into their lives to promote well-being and thrive:

Healthy Holistic Habit 1.

Eat Clean/Plant-Based Diet: Studies show that a whole plant-based diet may lower the risk of chronic diseases. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in a whole plant-based diet are beneficial to better skin, lower blood pressure, improve your cholesterol levels, help fight/prevent common viruses, improve gut health, keep our heart healthy, contain/or reserve Type 2 Diabetes, and help you lose weight.

Healthy Holistic Habit 2.

Stay Hydrated/Drink Water: Staying hydrated is crucial to our well-being and optimal bodily function; hydration helps with digestion, kidney, and cognitive function.

Healthy Holistic Habit 3.

Stay Active/Move: Engaging in physical activities has countless health benefits: increased energy level, improved sleep quality, and weight loss/management.

Healthy Holistic Habit 4.

Oil-Free Cooking: Cooking with no oils has so many health benefits. Research indicates that cooking without oils can help lower heart disease risk and assist in weight loss, reduce inflammation, reduce joint pains, weight loss/management, and improve cholesterol levels. Check out Forks Over Knives website for Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes.

Healthy Holistic Habit 5.

Volunteer/Give Back:  According to the Mayo Clinic, volunteering offers significant physical and mental health benefits to adults 55 and over. Volunteerism provides many benefits; it reduces loneliness, teaches a new skill, and meets new friends. 

Healthy Holistic Habit 6.

Take Care of Your Financial Health/Wellness: Financial wellness means having enough money for a comfortable, worry-free life in retirement. Achieving financial stability can aid in reducing anxiety, stress, and money worries and offer peace of mind.

Healthy Holistic Habit 7.

Rest/Sleep: Three small rest breaks a day can aid in rejuvenating and maintaining your mental and physical health. When it comes to sleep, based on studies for healthy adults, 13 to 23% of sleep should be deep sleep. For an average of 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleep is essential to our overall well-being. Good night’s sleep lowers the risk of memory loss, boosts the immune system, and decreases stress levels. 

Healthy Holistic Habit 8.

Be Creative/Hobbies- Spending time doing something you love can improve your mental health mood, reduce stress relief, boost self-esteem, and prevent stress eating.

Start Small

Begin by selecting one healthy habit and gradually adjusting your daily life. Over time, you will start seeing and feeling the positive impact on your well-being and significant improvement in your health/wellness.

Consulting your doctor before making health/wellness lifestyle changes is crucial for several reasons:

Guidance:  Your doctor can provide recommendations considering any pre-existing medical conditions, medications you’re taking, and your specific health goals. 

Monitor Progress: Your doctor can monitor your progress as you make lifestyle changes by monitoring your vital signs and ensuring the changes are not negatively impacting your health.   

Accountability: Regular check-ins with your doctor can provide accountability and motivation to aid you in sticking to your healthy lifestyle changes.  

If you found this post helpful, don’t stop here! Join our growing community of like-minded, inspiring black women over 50 who have decided to make their self-care a priority. Subscribe to our blog if you haven’t, and share with others.

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Let’s thrive together!

Contact: Have questions, want to collaborate, or simply say hello? Feel free to reach out to us.


A whole-food, plant-based program in an African American faith-based population

Must read article on living a healthier life in your 60’s and beyond


The content on this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not professional advice and should not replace consultation with a healthcare professional. RBL Wellness & Beauty LLC or I am not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any other damages arising out of or connected in any way with the use of the information provided on this site, including recipes, advice, and tips.

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2 thoughts on “8 Healthy Holistic Habits for Black Women Over 50

    1. Hello,

      Thank you so much for the kind words. I glad you enjoyed the blog and can utilize the habits.

      Peace and Blessings

      RBL Wellness & Beauty

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