Black woman holding a key in both hands

Unlock Joy: 3 Bold Moves to Help Black Women Over 50 Overcome Loneliness

Over the past decades, there have been several research studies on loneliness in older adults. According to the CDC, loneliness and social isolation in older adults have become a severe public health issue.

Loneliness is often associated with a range of chronic health issues, such as dementia, depression, anxiety, obesity, high blood pressure, cognitive decline, and even death.

Black women over 50 face unique challenges related to health disparities that can make them feel lonely.

In this blog, we’ll explore loneliness and 3 bold moves to help black women over 50 overcome loneliness and unlock joy.

Understanding Loneliness

So, what is loneliness? Based on the dictionary, loneliness is being alone and feeling sad about it or anxious. It’s entirely possible for one to feel loneliness in a crowd or even in a one-on-one relationship. The reason a person may feel lonely can vary from person to person.

Loneliness in Black Women Over 50

Loneliness in black women over 50 can stem from several factors. Listed below are a few reasons:

Health Challenges– Health problems that come with aging, chronic illness, or disabilities can limit the things you can do, which can make it challenging to feel connected, that can lead to a feeling of loneliness.

Social Isolation– Limited or no social interaction with others can contribute to loneliness. Studies show that during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, black women reported a feeling of loneliness because of the changes in how they interacted with others, which had a profound impact on their mental health and resulted in them feeling lonely.

Death: The death of a spouse, friend, partner, or family member can cause the feeling of loneliness.

Empty Nest Syndrome– When children mature and leave home (empty nest), it can cause a feeling of loneliness, especially in women. Studies show that when children leave home, women are more likely to feel a sense of loneliness after the children leaves home compared to men.

Lack of Emotional Support or Connection with a Relationship– Loneliness can happen when one or both parties feel a lack of emotional intimacy or connection with the relationship, which can cause a feeling of loneliness.

3 Bold Moves Black Women Over 50 Can Take To Overcome Loneliness

Bold Move #1- Build Meaningful Connection with Others

Maintaining positivity, improving existing relationships, or establishing new relationships is
one-way black women over 50 can overcome loneliness; this can be challenging, especially as we age.

If you’re not currently in a relationship, have no friends, and looking to build new friendships, here are some tips on how to meet people:

How To Build New Relationships

Join Social Group/Community Involvement– Join a social group or community organization that aligns with your interest. You can find such groups on Meetup. Meetup is a social networking platform designed for in-person and virtual activities, meetings, and events that bring together individuals and groups with the same interests (e.g., golfing, jewelry making, book club) in your area. I’m a member of several meetup groups and a co-organizer of a meetup group. I’ve met some really nice people, volunteered for some great organizations, and learned new skills attending various meetup events.

Join A Walking Group– If you enjoy walking, consider joining a GirlTrek walking group. To learn more about GirlTrek and find or start a walking group in your area click here. GirlTrek is a great way to meet other like-minded black women who enjoy walking and have decided to prioritize their health and wellness by walking daily for 30 minutes. The cost to join GirlTrek is free.

Check out our recent article, “7 Underrated Benefits of Walking For Black Women Over 50,” to learn more about the benefits of walking.

3 Black women walking in park

Volunteerism– Another way for black women can combat loneliness is through volunteerism. Volunteering can be an excellent opportunity to meet others and contribute to a cause you’re passionate about. Doing a good deed for others can give you a sense of pride because you’re helping others or the environment, which can possibly make you feel less lonely.

Coffee Café’ and Library-If you’re introverted or shy, or it’s been a while since you’ve been around a group of people, joining a group can be intimidating. If that’s the case, it might be easier to begin by spending time in public places like a coffee café, library, or museum where you can be around people and observe them without necessarily interacting with others. Being in the presence of others can decrease loneliness and help you build confidence to join a group or volunteer.

Bold Move #2-Prioritize Self-Care

Another great way black women over 50 can combat loneliness is by prioritizing their self-care.
The feeling of loneliness can often creep in when we neglect our own needs. Ignoring our needs can often result in disconnecting from our thoughts and emotions. This disconnect from the self can make it difficult to relate to others.

When we neglect our self-care (mental, physical, spiritual), it can result in having low self-esteem and not feeling confident or our place in the world. These negative feelings about ourselves can cause self-isolation and a feeling of loneliness.

Prioritize Self-care

When women, especially black women over 50, prioritize their self-care by shifting the focus from others to themselves, there are many benefits:

  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve relationship with self and others
  • Promote better Mental Health
  • Eliminate or reduce the feeling of loneliness

If you’re guilty of putting the needs of others before your own, or you’re stuck and don’t know how to prioritize your self-care to help combat loneliness, consider the following:

Exercise– Physical activity promotes physical health and releases endorphins (the happy hormone) that make you feel better about yourself.

Drink Water-Staying hydrated offers so many self-care benefits:

  • Removes toxins from your body
  • Makes skin look and feel better
  • Improve your mood.

Bold Move #3-Pursue New Interests and Hobbies

Happy mature black woman painting.

Another way of combating loneliness is to pursue new interests and hobbies. Focusing on learning something new can help you feel less lonely and strengthen your sense of purpose and meaning.

Consider signing up for a class if you always wanted to learn a new language. Many local libraries offer free language classes to patrons.

Do something creative, like learn how to make jewelry or take a cooking class. Most craft stores offer classes; or join a book club.

Whether learning a new language, joining a book club, or taking a dance class, these hobbies can provide fulfillment and open the doors to connecting with yourself, improve your mood, connect with others, and lessen or eliminate the feeling of loneliness.

In this article, we’ve explored three bold moves tailored to the needs of black women over 50 to consider when feeling lonely, from cultivating meaningful connections, prioritizing self-care, or pursuing new interests and hobbies.

If after you’ve tried these moves and others to help you feel less lonely and nothing seems to work, consider talking to a therapist. A good therapist can provide you with tools designed to your specific needs to help combat loneliness. Remember, it’s ok to ask for help! 😊

Share your story if you ever felt lonely and what you did to overcome it. You never know if your story can inspire, motivate, and help other black women over 50 who’s feeling lonely. Feel free to email us by clicking here.

Peace and Blessings 💜☮

Related Articles on Topic:

The Unseen Epidemic: Trauma and Loneliness In Urban Midlife Women

Social Isolation, Loneliness Real For Midlife Minority Women


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